Radio 2, lunchtime today

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I will be spending this lunchtime in the studios of Radio Two at Wogan House in London, WC1. This has been the case for almost every autumn statement, budget, and other major fiscal announcement by the government for well over a decade now.

Just after 1.30, whether the Chancellor has finished or not, I will be joining Jeremy Vine live on air to discuss what the Chancellor has had to say. Mark Littlewood, the outgoing chief executive of the Institute of Economic Affairs, who was Liz Truss's main economic advisor, and who has apparently been dropped from her list of nominees for the House of Lords, will be joining us.

I admit that this is one of the most stressful broadcasts that I do each year. Whereas I am usually pretty relaxed in front of the microphone, talking about what the Chancellor has said, based solely on the speech and without having had the chance to read any of the notes that are published to explain what he really means, always has some risk inherent in it.

That said, there are some things that are predictable. I have already made it clear that I do not approve of any of the tax cuts that are likely today. I also very strongly suspect that there will be very little investment in public services. If so, I will be making that point. And, the failure of this statement to tackle inequality, which I anticipate will be high on my agenda.

Meanwhile, I can entirely predict that Mark Littlewood will be saying that there are far too few cuts, and that growth will be too low. He will not, of course, consider the consequences of that growth, let alone the green issues involved.

Once that is over I begin writing comments for a number of n people, including here.

Meanwhile if you want to follow my thinking during the speech and are on Twitter, I will be tweeting throughout it.

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