Staying grounded

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I was on the banks of the River Cam this morning, as is often my habit:

Turning round, the view was over the Kingfisher Bridge nature reserve:

The water in the lake is three metres lower than in the river.

There was almost no one around.

It was a time to think, breathe deeply, and watch.

The lake was busy: teal, mallard, shoveller, coot, cormorants, great white and little egrets, herons, 150+ greylag geese (60 arrived together - a great sight), Canada geese, great crested grebe, wigeon and more.

Nearby, as I took the photos, a wren was letting the world know of its presence - although I did not see it.

The same could be said of great tit, blue tit, robin, chaffinch and greenfinch: I am not sure I saw any of them.

But three marsh harriers did show up - putting up 100 or so lapwing and a few golden plover - which is why I suspect there are none in the above shot.

A kestrel was also seen and, the usual corvids, and more.

In a crazy world, this helps keep me grounded.

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