The Taxing Wealth Report 2024 website

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The time has come to draw attention to the website that I have created for the Taxing Wealth Report 2024. You can find this here. The web address is

I suspect the most useful page on this whole website will be the one that is keeping a track of all the recommendations made as they are produced. That will always be the lead item on the website's blog. It can be found here.

The site also split down the recommendations by tax, with an index page here. Some of these look a little sparse at present. That is because there is still quite a lot of this report still to be published as yet. I suspect it will not be complete until sometime well into October. Each of the noted taxes will end up with several recommendations by the time the work is complete.

For the same reason, some of the background pages are also not published as yet, including that on the economics of tax. These will also follow in due course.

However,  I did think that by now it was important to have a place where all the recommendations made could tracked because one of the objects of this exercise is to provide a menu for those looking at ways to answer the question posed to every politician whenever they suggest a change for the benefit of society, which is “How are you going to pay for it?“ This website should help them answer that question whether they subscribe to modern monetary theory or not.

Comments, suggestions, and almost inevitable corrections will be appreciated.

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