Falling into line

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As George Monbiot says in The Guardian this morning in a typically robust article, this time on the eventual failure of the RSPB to challenge the government and those with power:

In 1944, the Office of Strategic Services, a US intelligence agency, issued an underground guide for workers living in the Axis powers. It was called the Simple Sabotage Field Manual. It explained how to undermine an organisation from within. Among its recommendations was “Advocate ‘caution'. Be ‘reasonable' and urge [others] to be ‘reasonable'”. It's sound advice. By being cautious, reasonable, polite and considered, our major advocacy groups might avoid political trouble. But they fatally sabotage their own objectives. Always and everywhere, the real danger comes not from speaking out and offending power, but from falling into line.

I wish to reassure readers that I have no intention of falling into line, whatever Labour and its apparatchiks might demand.

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