The case for investment in HMRC is overwhelming

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The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales published an article this week in which they noted:

Since 10 July 2023, an HMRC taskforce has been focusing on clearing older post.

They add:

HMRC is ... seeking to reduce post that is outstanding for the last 10-12 and 6-9 months. However, the agent account manager service is currently limited to post that is outstanding for more than 12 months.

I have had to wait for more than two years for a substantive reply to a letter from HM Revenue & Customs during this decade. Covid or not, that was unacceptable.

The case for investing in HMRC and improving tax administration in this country is overwhelming, but the government is not doing it.

That is one of the many recommendations I will make on taxing wealth. Having improved legislation is inconsequential if the tax administration is so overwhelmed that it cannot enforce it.

Or is that inability the government's aim? Do they not want revenue?

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