There are Tories mad enough to promote a referendum on climate change

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I found myself utterly bemused by this tweet:

I know that Brexit was used to give the elderly the chance to well and truly destroy hope for younger people but to try to do it again by asking the elderly to this time vote to pretend that we do not even live on planet Earth was a quite extraordinarily mad idea.

And yes, this is the political silly season where remarkably little happens, but at the same time, the fact that this permitted this idea to surface and be written about is telling. That is precisely because someone in the Tories thought this was an idea worth promoting. They did so knowing full well that the elderly were the most likely to turn out in a referendum and that they might just get a vote through when by 2050, many of those voting (me included) are unlikely, actuarially, to be here.

As a measure of the indifference of the Tories, this idea takes some beating. It has not, and I am sure, will not happen. But that is not the point. There are people stupid enough, indifferent enough and frankly uncaring enough to promote such madness. And that does matter.

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