The new name for this blog, again

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The renaming issue has made progress, taking into consideration the very many comments made.

This time I am only offering one suggestion:

This is a variation on Finance for the Future, but it is tighter.

The suggestion being made is that this blog is about answering the question 'How are you going to pay for it?", which is that which plagues all those who want to promote change in our society.

The fact that the blog is written by me is acknowledged, but so too is a focus on sustainability, the economy and justice.

Importantly, the title is meant to be forward-looking and solution orientated.

In practice, this might look like this when translated to the blog header:

In time the 'formerly Tax Research UK' would be dropped, but I suspect it would be important for a while.

When this new name is embedded, the site's URL will change to I have bought the domain names. This can be done whilst keeping all old links working, including those on other sites. In other words, if you used a link it would still get to the site, or the specific page you wanted. However, it is hard to do this more than once so getting this name change right is important.

So, your opinion is asked for, yet again:

Is 'Funding the Future' an appropriate new name for this blog?

  • Yes (74%, 371 Votes)
  • I still think you need to think again (12%, 60 Votes)
  • I'm abstaining, but show me the results anyway (8%, 39 Votes)
  • I preferred Tax Research UK (4%, 21 Votes)
  • No (2%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 502

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