Johnson and Trump in trouble: it’s something joyous to behold

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I was amused by this Telegraph report this morning:

Boris Johnson would accept a finding that he recklessly misled Parliament over lockdown parties in order to avoid a by-election that risks ending his political career, MP allies have said.

This is clearly an attempt to avoid the charge that he deliberately misled parliament, which might result in a higher penalty.

I have four thoughts.

First, if true this is an admission of guilt.

Second, if the admission to a lesser offence is accepted Johnson will deny he ever misled parliament at all, because that is what he always does.

Third, if he can deliberately game-play the committee it is very likely he deliberately game-played parliament in the first place, brazenly misleading it.

I hope no one is taken in.

And fourth? That it is amusing to see Johnson wriggling on the day that Trump is indicted. The former far-right leaders of parties they corrupted are being brought to justice and do not like it.

One day the right-wing will realise that the rule of law is for all. So far this understanding of equality does not seem to have sunk in.

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