The recipe for an economic disaster exists, chosen by idiots possessed of a dogma in pursuit of destruction

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The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has reported that:

  • June new car registrations fell 24.3% to 140,958 units – the weakest performance for the month since 1996.
  • Ongoing challenges in component supply, exacerbated by restrictions in China, hampered the industry's ability to fulfil demand.
  • Year-to-date registrations have reached 802,079 units – a fall of 11.9% on last year, and the second weakest first half for 30 years.

There is good news in the product mix. Diesel and petrol fell and battery vehicles rose. But overall the marked decline is the issue.

We are in a country in recession territory now and the government is showing not the slightest sign of being aware of it.

Meanwhile, the Bank of England is doing all it can to make things worse by increasing interest rates when discretionary spending is already disappearing in the marketplace.

The recipe for a disaster exists, chosen by idiots possessed of a dogma in pursuit of destruction.

I am not suggesting we need more cars. I am suggesting we need gainful employment. I suspect we will get neither.

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