The word on the Mile End Road is that recession is coming, soon.

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Reuters UK economic correspondent noted this yesterday on Twitter::

He also noted:

In response my fellow Mile End Road economist, Danny Blanchflower noted:

Danny explains why in this video, which annoyingly will not embed here.

The point Danny makes, which he elaborates in the video, is a very simple one. It is backed up by a great deal of his research data. It is that, as he notes in the tweet, consumer sentiment is by far the best predictor of economic downturn. Nothing else comes remotely close to its ability to predict such events.

Right now in both the USA and the UK evidence is very clear that consumer confidence is evaporating very quickly. This is usually a very strong indication of recession starting within six months of the event happening. Give it until August in that case.

This is precisely why both Danny and I suggest that there will have to be major changes in the Bank of England's policy towards interest rates and QE by early autumn, at the latest.

However, by then, the failure to understand this will have already caused considerable damage.

The simple reality is that consumers, who are not protected from the reality of life in the way that members of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee are, have a much greater capacity to forecast economic downturn than that committee does. It is just a shame that we do not listen to them a little more.

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