I will have no choice but vote tactically when the chance comes: the future of parliamentary democracy demands it

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Paul Mason got the call for tactical voting right here:

In a divided Britain, facing Johnson and Farage, those who believe in democracy, in the rule of law, in justice and in equality have to vote tactically.

We are going to have an election. The only question is when.

I have strong opinions on what I want the next government to do. But I am also sure this will be a fight for liberal parliamentary democracy, which is in the greatest danger it has faced for a lifetime.

In that case I have no doubt that it is right to vote tactically.

I will be voting Lib Dem.

I am not a Lib Dem. I have major reservations about the Lib Dems, but only they can unseat the Tories in the seat I live in, which is South East Cambridgeshire. So they will get my vote, even if I am unhappy about having to do this.

I would vote Labour in Norwich South.

And Green in Brighton Pavillion.

And SNP in Edinburgh South West.

And Plaid in Dwyfor Meirionnydd.

I'm not indifferent between these parties: far from it. But I am passionate about democracy. And that means I have no choice but vote against those who want to wreck it. And that is what I will do.

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