The MEGO principle at work

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The MEGO principle was identified by Senator Carl Levin in the USA. It refers to the phenomenon when professional people get near potential corruption after which it walsy seems that "me eyes glaze over".

Here's an example from a parliamentary question exchange of which I just got notification

Caroline Lucas (Brighton, Pavilion, Green)

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether the CDC is required to disclose to his Department the co-investors in funds it supports.

Andrew Mitchell (Secretary of State, International Development; Sutton Coldfield, Conservative)

Consistent with industry practice, my Department does not require CDC to disclose the co-investors in the funds that it supports.

Mitchell's eyes glaze over. CDC is notorious for its misjudgements. He is the sole shareholder in the company on behalf of HMG. And he just does not want to know.

That's why things go wrong. People look the other way. Mitchell is.

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