The door is over there….

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The British Bankers Association are trying out there one and only negotiating tactic again. Speaking yesterday, and reported in the Guardian, their spokesperson Angela Knight said:

If we continue to demonise our own banking industry, there is no shortage of other jurisdictions which will leap at the chance of taking the business if we chose to discard it in this way, as we have done with many of our great industries in the past.

Yes, that’s it — ye again they say “we’ll go unless you’re nice to us”.

To which the answer is simple — “The door is over there. Please shut it after you.”

Why do I say that? Because she continued, clearly aiming at Lord Myners and Lord Turner:

Those who have the opportunity for public platforms also have a duty to use that opportunity advisedly. If the price of gaining headlines and column inches in the short term is the cost of jobs and our country's economic prospects in the long term then the price is simply too high.

Public criticism by "our authorities" had damaged Britain's negotiations over international principles on pay and regulation, being discussed by Brussels and the G20 leaders meeting in Pittsburgh.

The future of the global financial system is being decided and these very significant changes that will result will cover the UK. Whilst many of the points that are being made may be correct … the manner of the criticism is not helping our negotiating position

Now what is it you don’t understand Angela? The UK negotiating position — the negotiating position of all at the G20, with variations, I know — is that your activities are anti-social, impose too great a cost on society, are harmful to well-being and need to be much better regulated.So where are you heading for when you quit?

No Switzerland, for sure. no any UK territory — they’re all going bust. certainly not within the EU. Singapore? Easy to blockade — sorry. Panama? I don’t think so. Japan — not a place for bankers, I think.

So China is left? Are you serious Angela? Is that it? We’ll all up-sticks for Shanghai? Forget it. I don’t believe you.

So we’ll carry on ignoring you — because the truth is out and cannot be put back in the lamp. What you do is anti-social, and really not that government friendly (you may have noticed). Which means they neither owe you favours or need to heed your hollow threats.

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